Top Tip – SOS App

While everyoneโ€™s on lock down and avoiding the hills itโ€™s a good time to do some admin & sort all those things youโ€™ve never had the time to.

One of those things may be getting those Apps youโ€™ve been meaning to load & weโ€™ll be letting you know of a few we think are Fab.

Starting with EchoSOS which is a great App for calling the emergency services in any country and it also gives your location. Flick through the pictures in this post to see how it works.

Itโ€™s free & needs a tiny bit of setting up and youll probably have more time now then youโ€™ll ever have, so what you waiting for ?

Obviously this is no substitute for being prepared with your hill kit, 1st aid & navigational skills but as with anything itโ€™s always worth having additional tools

Heres the Instagram link –