Scrambling & Mountaineering

The Peak District is not famed for its high mountain scrambles but it does have some interesting routes up the hill that doesn’t involve walking, whether it’s a scramble up one of the Kinder Cloughs (stream), a ridge scramble up one of Wales mountain ridges or a full on wet gorge experience up the Gylls of The Lake District we will ensure you day out has that added bit of spice an excitement without entering rock climbing land.

Peak District Clough Scrambles – an introduction to scrambling, the peak district is not renowned for its mountainous scrambling and that’s why this day out in the hills combining hiking and short scar led is the ideal introduction to scrambling. We will take you up some low land scrambles to get you used to moving on rock, then move on higher to some slightly more challenging rock, but don’t worry we are never further than a few feet from the ground so there’s always a quick escape if you need it.

Scotland – The King of Scrambles
Scotland’s Munro’s – Scotland is the king of the mountains when it comes to remote, wild and big mountain scenery and on this long weekend trip we visit the superstars of this wild country. There are 5 weekends to choose from, 1 – Ben Nevis & AnochMor, 2 – Glen Coe, 3 – Cairngorms, 4 Glen Shiel and 5 – Torridon, all the trips involve climbing the highest and best Mountains in these classic Scotland areas, depending on availability and time of year our accommodation will be in Youth Hotels, Bunkhouse’s, Mountain Huts, camp sites or wild camping, or you can arrange your own travel. These weekends tend to be bespoke and made to order so please contact us for further details.