Bronze Navigation Courses
Our Bronze navigation courses are designed with and verified by the outdoor industries nationally recognised body the National Navigation Award Scheme (NNAS). To be part of this scheme all courses have to be in accordance with their syllabus. Please find below the NNAS Silver Syllabus, this also has Peak-Outdoors additions that we feel brings value to the course.
Below is the full Bronze syllabus, for an overview, prices and dates please visit our main Navigation Training page – Navigation Courses
- Navigate using a variety of maps
- Orientate the map using handrails, point features, landforms
- Use linear features as handrails in simple navigation exercises
- Relate prominent landforms such as large hills and valleys to contour info on the map
- Orientate the map aligning the compass needle against grid north and aware of magnetic variation
- Use an orientated map to establish direction of travel
- Use clearly identifiable features to confirm position along a route and when the target has been overshot
- Measure Horizontal distances on the map and estimate the distance on the ground using timing and pacing and simple visual judgments
- Use 4 and 6 figure grid references to define the position of a map feature and also locate this on the ground
- Plan and implement simple routes and navigational strategies based on the above skills
- Recognise a simple navigational error within a few minutes and apply simple relocation techniques using handrails and prominent features
- Demonstrate an awareness of local and national access issues, access legislation, personal responsibilities, and the Countryside code
- Demonstrate appropriate knowledge of walking equipment, safety equipment and emergency procedures